By Michael Lewis (2011)
The real story of the crash began in bizarre feeder markets where the sun doesn't shine and the SEC doesn't dare, or bother, to tread: the bond and real estate derivative markets where geeks invent impenetrable securities to profit from the misery of lower- and middle-class Americans who can't pay their debts. The smart people who understood what was or might be...
Get this bookAlso recommended by other entrepreneursBy C.L.R. James (1989)
A classic and impassioned account of the first revolution in the Third World. This powerful, intensely dramatic book is the definitive account of the Haitian Revolution of 1794-1803, a revolution that began in the wake of the Bastille but became the model for the Third World liberation movements from Africa to Cuba. It is the story of the French colony of San Domingo,...
Get this bookBy André CASTELOT (2019)
De la gloire à la chute, le roman-vrai de Napoléon. Un an après son magistral Bonaparte, publié en 1967, André Castelot offre un Napoléon tout aussi accompli. Alternant récits haletants, portraits fouillés et descriptions vécues des lieux de mémoire et champs de bataille de l'épopée, le grand écrivain nous entraîne de la gloire de l'Empire au couchant de Sainte-Hélène,...
Get this bookBy André CASTELOT (2019)
Publiée en 1967, dans la perspective du bicentenaire de la naissance de Napoléon Bonaparte, cette superbe biographie reste une référence qui offre un rare bonheur de lecture. Elle le doit à la richesse de son information – André Castelot a visité l'essentiel des lieux de mémoire et champs de bataille qu'il dépeint – et à la qualité universellement saluée de son style...
Get this bookBy Carlota Perez (2003)
"Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital" presents a novel interpretation of the good and bad times in the economy, taking a long-term perspective and linking technology and finance in an original and convincing way. Carlota Perez draws upon Schumpeter's theories of the clustering of innovations to explain why each technological revolution gives rise to a...
Get this bookAlso recommended by other entrepreneursBy Andrew McAfee (2019)
Throughout history, the only way for humanity to grow was by degrading the Earth: chopping down forests, fouling the air and water, and endlessly digging out resources. Since the first Earth Day in 1970, the reigning argument has been that taking better care of the planet means radically changing course: reducing our consumption, tightening our belts, learning to...
Get this bookBy Zweig (2001)
En 1518, un Portugais exilé du nom de Magellan convainc le roi d’Espagne, Charles Quint, d’un projet fou : « Il existe un passage conduisant de l’océan Atlantique à l’océan Indien. Donnez-moi une flotte et je vous le montrerai et je ferai le tour de la terre en allant de l’est à l’ouest. » Partie en 1519, l’expédition reviendra trois ans plus tard, disloquée,...
Get this bookAlso recommended by other entrepreneursBy Malcolm Gladwell (2009)
Learn what sets high achievers apart -- from Bill Gates to the Beatles -- in this #1 bestseller from "a singular talent" (New York Times Book Review). In this stunning book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes..
Get this bookAlso recommended by other entrepreneursBy Nicolas Colin (2018)
For three decades we’ve been living through a paradigm shift. Our world is moving from the fading Fordist age to the ever-strengthening digital age. This shift is as unstoppable as the one that once brought us from railroads and steel mills to Fordist factories. And its impact on our lives is just as radical. In this context, the lessons from history are clear: Providing...
Get this bookBy Oren Klaff (2011)
Gold Medal Winner--Tops Sales World's Best Sales and Marketing Book. When it comes to delivering a pitch, Oren Klaff has unparalleled credentials. Over the past 13 years, he has used his one-of-a- kind method to raise more than $400 million—and now, for the fi rst time, he describes his formula to help you deliver a winning pitch in any business situation. Whether you’re...
Get this bookBy Iain M. Banks (1990)
Consider Phlebas is a space opera of stunning power and awesome imagination, from a modern master of science fiction. The war raged across the galaxy. Billions had died, billions more were doomed. Moons, planets, the very stars themselves, faced destruction, cold-blooded, brutal, and worse, random. The Idirans fought for their Faith; the Culture for its moral right to exist..
Get this bookBy Reid Hoffman (2018)
LinkedIn cofounder, reveals the secret to starting and scaling massively valuable companies. What entrepreneur or founder doesn’t aspire to build the next Amazon, Facebook, or Airbnb? Yet those who actually manage to do so are exceedingly rare. So what separates the startups that get disrupted and disappear from the ones who grow to become...
Get this bookAlso recommended by other entrepreneursBy Elad Gil (2018)
Global technology executive, serial entrepreneur, and angel investor Elad Gil has worked with high-growth, tech companies like Airbnb, Twitter, Google, Stripe, and Square as they've grown from small companies to global enterprises. Across all of these breakout companies, a set of common patterns has evolved into a repeatable playbook that Gil has now codified in High...
Get this bookAlso recommended by other entrepreneursBy Blake Masters & Peter Thiel (2014)
The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. If you are copying these guys, you aren’t learning from them. It’s easier to copy a model than to make something new: doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. Every new creation goes...
Get this bookAlso recommended by other entrepreneursBy Ben Horowitz (2014)
Ben Horowitz, cofounder of Andreessen Horowitz and one of Silicon Valley's most respected and experienced entrepreneurs, offers essential advice on building and running a startup—practical wisdom for managing the toughest problems business school doesn’t cover, based on his popular ben’s blog.While many people talk about how great it is to start a business...
Get this bookAlso recommended by other entrepreneursBy Geoff Smart and Randy Street (2006)
Whether you’re a member of a board of directors looking for a new CEO, the owner of a small business searching for the right people to make your company grow, or a parent in need of a new babysitter, it’s all about Who. Inside you’ll learn how to • avoid common “voodoo hiring” methods • define the outcomes you seek • generate a flow of A Players to your..
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