- Cyril Chiche – CEO & Co-founder @Lydia, made his book recommendations on Matthieu Stefani's podcast, GDYI : https://www.gdiy.fr/cyril-chiche/
- Hugo Mercier, CEO & Co-founder @Dreem, made his book recommendations on Matthieu Stefani's podcast, GDYI : https://www.gdiy.fr/hugo-mercier/
- Loïc Soubeyrand, Founder & CEO @Swile, made his book recommendations on Matthieu Stefani's podcast, GDYI : (https://www.gdiy.fr/loic-soubeyrand/
- Jean-Charles Samuelian-Werve, CEO & Co-founder @Alan, made his book recommendations on Alan' blog : https://blog.alan.com/livres/ma-bibliotheque-de-travail
- Vincent Huguet, CEO & Co-founder @Malt, made his book recommendations on Matthieu Stefani's podcast, GDYI : https://www.gdiy.fr/vincent-huguet-malt/
- Adrien Ledoux, CEO @JobTeaser, made his book recommendations on Matthieu Stefani's podcast, GDYI : https://www.gdiy.fr/adrien-ledoux/
- Céline Lazorthes, CEO @Mangopay, made her book recommendations on Gabriel Gourovitch's podcast, Growth Makers : https://growthmakers.fr/ep-33-celine-lazorthes-ceo-mangopay/ / https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/livres-et-vous/livres-et-vous-06-aout-2017)
N.B : We’ve tried to reach out directly all these people to collect their complete list. We are waiting for their feedback to update these reading lists.